History: Wheaton & Traverse County
Wheaton Centennial Book
The following information was assembled in honor of Wheaton's Centennial, in 1987 (in .pdf format):
Centennial Dedication, City Plats, Centennial Committees, Acknowledgements
Communication & Transportation
Medical, Dental, Churches, Parks, Entertainment, Traverse County Fair
Century Farms & Historical Sites
Wheaton Area High School Student Graduates
Other historic Wheaton photos are available here.
"Traverse County, Telling It the Way Things Were"
Former Traverse County resident Jacob Schmitz writes his memories of living in Traverse County, beginning with an account of his parents' migration in 1854. The file is large, and has been split into 2 MB data files.
Part 2 – Pages 19 thru 20 (lots of unpaginated pictures)
The Wheaton City Council is now accepting applications from qualified Wheaton residents to fill the remaining term of the vacant Council seat, which expires in 2026. An application form can be picked up from Wheaton City Hall. Applicants must 18 years of age or over. To be considered, your application must be completed, signed, and received by Wheaton City Administrator Amy Olson at cityadministator@cityofwheaton.com, or in-person at Wheaton City Hall, 104 9th Street North, by no later than March 3, 2025, at 12:00 pm.