Location: The Wheaton Airport is located three miles Southwest of Wheaton. The Wheaton Airport offers both one paved runway and one turf runway.
Manager: City of Wheaton, 320/563-4110
Fuel: Fuel is not available at the Wheaton Airport.
The City of Wheaton is governed by Councilors Doug Wohlenhaus, Amy Churchill, Edward Rikimoto, Amber Hansen and Mayor Steven Lundquist. The Wheaton City Council typically meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday each month at 5 pm at the Wheaton Community Library.
Typically, the Agenda is closed at 8am on the Tuesday preceding a regular Wheaton City Council Meeting. If you wish to receive a copy of the preliminary and finalized agendas by email, please contact Wheaton City Hall. Agendas are periodically posted on the City’s Blog.
Minutes are published in the Wheaton Gazette after they are approved. If you wish to receive an email with Wheaton City Council minutes as they are approved, please contact Wheaton City Hall.
Membership of the Wheaton Parks & Recreation Board, Wheaton Economic Development Authority Board, Wheaton Fire Department Officers, and Wheaton Community Library Board can be given upon request.
104 9th Street North
PO Box 868 Wheaton, MN 56296
Phone: 320/563-4110, Fax: 320/563-4823
Email: cityhall@cityofwheaton.com
Website: www.cityofwheaton.com
In an effort to help and encourage residents to improve the condition and appearance of their properties, the Wheaton City Council has designated
Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 as Clean-Up Day for the City of Wheaton,
from 3 pm – 6 pm.
Demolition slips must be completed and brought with you on Clean-up day. No material will be accepted without the appropriate documentation.
Please stop by city hall or print the slip from our website www.cityofwheaton.com
· Residential materials only; no contractors.
· Please be prepared to provide proof of Wheaton City residency, with a current driver’s license or utility bill.
· Materials may be brought to the Demolition Site (East End of Falk Park) on Clean-Up Day.
· NO GARBAGE WILL BE ACCEPTED. Plastic Items are considered garbage and will not be accepted.
Thinking about starting a business? Take the self-assessment tool provided by the Small Business Association.
1) Starting a Business
2) Managing a Business
3) Finding Employees
4) Training Employees
5) Financing a Business
Wheaton EDA Board President Amanda Frisch and her Governing Board support the introduction of new businesses, and the expansion of current enterprises within the City of Wheaton. The WEDA offers low-interest loans, tax increment financing (TIF), building leases for manufacturing operations, and housing development. Please contact our office at 320/563-4110 for an application.
The Wheaton area is the home of many service professionals, including accountants, electricians, artists, automobile detailers, auto sellers and repair technicians, bakers, chefs, cleaners, florists, chiropractors, well drillers, building suppliers, exterminators, optometrists, retailors, insurers, investment bankers, plumbers, HVAC, painters, news reporters, nurses, realtors, remodelers, roofers, tree trimmers, truckers, caterers, photographers, welders, excavators, carpenters, gardeners, doctors, dentists, (an) accupuncturist, massage therapists, hair stylists, and even a hometown barber! Many businesses are conveniently located on State Highway 27 (Broadway) and State Highway 75.
Wheaton is located at the intersection of State Highways 75 (N-S) and 27 (E-W). We are 1 hour and 15 minutes South of Fargo and 1 hour West of Alexandria. You can cross borders with North and South Dakota borders within 15 minutes.
Wheaton EDA Loan Application & Process
The Wheaton EDA provides low-interest, commercial loans to local businesses. The Wheaton EDA may provide a loan in an amount up to 75% of eligible projects. Borrowers must complete and submit a loan application, with supporting documentation, along with a $200 non-refundable fee. The EDA encourages interested borrowers to contact the EDA office prior to completing the loan application, to discuss the project and eligibility requirements.
To request a date, email us at cityhall@cityofwheaton.com
Emergencies: Call 9-1-1
Non-Emergencies: Call 320/563-4110
The Wheaton Fire Department is located at Wheaton City Hall, 104 9th Street North in Wheaton.
All residential refuse must be packages in a commercially manufactured refuse container provided only by the City of Wheaton in either 35, 65, or 95 gallon container. No other containers will be accepted for curbside collection by the public works department. Any changes/additions to containers MUST be kept for six months.
In order to be eligible for pickup by the City's Public Works Department, the lids to the containers must be fully closed, and no refuse may be placed on top of the containers.
The containers should be put out by no later the 7:00 a.m. on the day of pickup. Failure by a resident to have a container set out by this time may result in the resident's garbage not getting picked up for that week.
Our employees observe Federal holidays. If the Holiday falls on a Wednesday (Garbage Day) garbage will be picked up on the following business day. If you have any questions, please contact Wheaton City Hall at 320/563-4110 or check with your neighbor!!
The City of Wheaton operates a demolition debris landfill (aka “Wheaton Demo Site”) at the far East end of 2nd Avenue North (past Falk Park). The facility is not a typical landfill – per Minnesota Pollution Control Agency requirements, only the following materials can be brought to the Demo Site:
Concrete, untreated wood, glass, rock, brick, masonry, plastic building parts, bituminous concrete, gypsum board, roofing material, rock, insulation materials, metal building parts, blocks, and electrical wiring (essentially, debris created as result of constructing or demolishing a building).
Our facility does not accept asbestos or industrial solid waste, and is available only to residents of the City of Wheaton and Traverse County.
Charges are calculated based on the number of cubic yards that are deposited at the Demo Site, plus state tax (currently, $20.00/cubic yard + $1.20/cubic yard state tax).
Hours of Operation:
Monday’s & Wednesday’s from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm by appointment only
Outside of the regular schedule, the facility may be opened by appointment for a $20.00 charge. The Demolition Site will be closed if it is raining, or if significant rain was received the day before. Please contact Wheaton City Hall at 320/563-4110 for more information.
For 2012, the Wheaton City Council approved a waiver program (of up to $500 for Wheaton Demolition Site charges) for the removal of structures in the City of Wheaton. To apply for this waiver (and for additional conditions), you must complete a Land Use Permit and follow these rules.
Leaves, grass clippings, and small branches (<2” in diameter) can be brought next to the Wheaton Demolition Site at no charge. Bunkers for the material are open 24-hours a day. The availability of this service may be removed if abused!
Traverse County operates a recycling center on the far East end of 2nd Avenue North (past Falk Park), that is open 24-hours a day. Plastics, cardboard, glass, aluminum, tin, newspaper, magazines, and office paper are accepted. Pick-up for senior recycling bins is available the first Saturday of each month. Please call 320/422-7726 for more information.
We do not accept metal appliances. Please contact Hormann Recycling for appliance reclamation.
The Solid Waste Department of Traverse County annually holds a County-wide collection for paint and household chemical disposal.
The City typically schedules one day a year to accept furniture and appliances (Wheaton residents only). Please watch for notices regarding the Clean-Up Day.
The City of Wheaton brings solid waste to the Roberts County Landfill, located in South Dakota.
Latest Library News – Library Blog
901 1st Avenue North
Wheaton, MN 56296
Monday & Friday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday – Thursday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – Noon
You can search Wheaton’s collection for available materials. If you have a Wheaton Library card, you may also reserve materials or request to be placed on a waiting list for materials that are currently checked-out.
1. Under “Search,” select “Advanced.”
2. Scroll to the middle of the page, and select “Wheaton Community Library” under “Limits.”
3. Scroll back to the top; enter descriptive information about the author/title/subject and click the orange/white arrow to search.
You can search Region’s collection for available materials. If you have a Wheaton Library card, you may also reserve materials or request to be placed on a waiting list for materials that are currently checked-out.
1. Under “Search,” enter descriptive information about the author/title/subject and click the orange/white arrow to search.
The Library offers a meeting space appropriate for small-to-medium sized groups. The room is also used as a display space for regional artists and collectors. Reservations and accommodations are made by contacting Wheaton Community Library at 320/563-8487.
Community Room Information & Community Room Reservation Form
The Community Room at the Wheaton Library is used as a display space for regional artists and collectors. A locked curio cabinet is available for collections, and a picture rail along 3 sides of the room offers a gallery-type setting for paintings and photographs. Your items may be viewed by library patrons, or the dozens of groups that meet in the Community Room on a weekly and monthly basis. Please contact Library staff for more information.
Address: 901 1st Avenue North
Phone: 320/563-8487
Fax: 320/563-8815
The Library Board has approved a patron Code of Conduct, which will be enforced by Library personnel.
The City of Wheaton’s television Public Access Channel 8 and City website (in the right-hand column) will be used to promote events and deliver information on behalf of public/not-for-profit organizations. Appearance on Channel 8 and the City’s website are intended to supplement an agency’s publishing campaign, and are not intended as substitutes to meet obligatory, legal publishing requirements. Official City notices will continue to be published in the Wheaton Gazette, and may appear on Channel 8 and the City website, as staff time permits.
Announcements may be submitted by email (cityhall@cityofwheaton.com), by telephone (320/563-4110) or by fax (320/563-4823). Announcements will appear on television Public Access Channel 8 and the City’s website.
City of Wheaton Announcement Policies:
The City of Wheaton will evaluate announcements on a case-by-case basis, to determine whether the message and/or sponsoring group meet the policy requirements below.
1. We will post announcements for public/not-for-profit organizations only.
2. No garage sales, bridal or baby showers.
3. We will not post event information if funds will be raised for a specific individual.
Session I Monday, June 17 – Friday, June 28 *Registration deadline is June 9th
Session II Monday, July 22 – Friday, August 2 *Registration deadline is July 14th
Lesson Times:
Level 1
Water Skills (Tadpoles), 4yrs or older
11:30 AM – Noon
Level 2
Fundamental/Aquatic Skills (Turtles)
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Level 3
Stroke Development (Sharks)
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Level 4
Stroke Improvement (Whales)
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Level 5
Stroke Refinement
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Level 6
Skill Proficiency
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
For a complete list of pricing, schedules and lesson registration, download form under the "More" tab then "Wheaton Swimming Pool".
Address: 16th St N & 3rd Ave N
The Wheaton Ballfields are located on the Northeast edge of town. Most summer evenings (and many summer weekends), spectators can watch games coordinated by Community Ed, Legion Baseball, the Dumont Saints, and several softball leagues.
Hotdogs and concessions are usually available, as are access to indoor bathrooms.
Address: 4th Ave S & 7th St S
The City Park is located next to the Traverse County Fairgrounds, and offers a full city-block dedicated to green space and recreational activities. In the summer, a volleyball net is placed on the South end of the park. Horseshoe pits (with lights for night time games) are used by a regional horseshoe league. There is a shelter and several picnic tables. The Park also offers a basketball hoop, sandbox, swings, playground, and bathrooms (across the street).
Address: 2nd Ave N & 3rd St N
Telephone (Lodge): 320/563-8174
Falk Park offers space for activities throughout the seasons. The park features playground equipment, a shelter, and picnic tables. Basketball courts are fenced-in, and a sidewalk leads to the Falk Park Lodge (an indoor space that can be rented for private events).
At the end of December, two outdoor skating rinks are located in the park.
The rinks have outdoor lighting, music, and an attendant. We have a wide variety of skates for use by the public (for free!). Take a break from skating to enjoy hot cocoa and pizza with your family in Falk Lodge, which is used as the warming house. Indoor bathrooms are also available. Last year, Whaley Excavating sponsored a sledding hill!
Address: 16th St S & 2nd Ave S
Telephone: 320/563-0649
Open June – August, the Wheaton Swimming Pool offers both recreational activities and job opportunities for our youth. Open swim (both during the day and evening) is available to the public everyday throughout the season. Water aerobics are held twice a day during the week. The Pool offers both group and private/individual swim lessons.
Season, week, or daily passes are available. Lifeguards also sell concessions and ice cream treats.
Contact the Pool Manager if you are interested in having a pool party!!
The City of Wheaton provides water, sewer, and garbage services to approximately 800 commercial and residential customers. The Wheaton Utility Billing and Public Works staff are typically available from 7:00 am – 4:30 pm, and 7:00 am – 3:00 pm, respectively.
Utility bills are sent at the end of the month, and (per City Ordinance) due on the 20th. Although utility bills may be mailed to a renter, payment of utility bills are the ultimate responsibility of the property owner, and unpaid charges will be assessed to a parcel’s property taxes. Property owners who sell their property “contract for deed” will receive a copy of the utility bill until the purchaser has fulfilled the requirements of the contract, and the final transfer of property has been recorded by the Traverse County Recorder’s Office.
The City of Wheaton Utility Handbook can be accessed in the download section.
General Information
Wheaton City Ordinances 405, 406, 409, 410, and 415 give construction requirements and specifications for utility service. Residents must review these ordinances and design their project accordingly. Owners who request utility service to a building that has not had water and/or sewer service before must complete and submit a “Permit Application for Water and/or Sewer Connection” form to the Wheaton City Council for approval (or if only an outdoor water fixture is to be installed, the owner must complete and submit an “Application for Separate Outdoor Water Service” form).
Making the Connection
– Owner pays permit fee and submits Application for Connection.
– If the property does not have access to a water and/or sewer mainline, upon approval by the City Council, engineering specifications will be drawn-up. Property owner will be responsible for the cost and coordination of the mainline installation, per the specifications of the City.
– Property owner will be responsible for the cost and installation of water and sewer service lines, from the property to the mainlines.
– Owner orders and purchases new meter, remote reader and installation valves through Wheaton City Hall.
– All meters must be mounted horizontally.
– Property owner must install meter and remote reader, including transmitting wire (unless the dwelling has a finished basement or the property owner requires that the transmitting wire be concealed – installation and coverage of the transmitting wire will then be the owner’s responsibility). Owner must then complete and submit an “Application for Water, Sewer, and Garbage Service” form, or if only an outdoor water fixture is to be installed, owner must complete and submit an “Application for Separate Outdoor Water Service” form.
– Payment of $100 deposit (which may be refunded, with interest, after one year of non-delinquent payments).
– $50 Reconnect Fee, if Water Is Off
– Monthly utility charges (see Utility Rates below)
General Information
Water, Sewer, and Garbage services are bundled as a group. If no water is used, the residential service base fees will be $40.66 per month. Commercial users are charged the same rates, but tax is charged on water service at a rate of 6.875% and tax on garbage is paid at a rate of 17%.
– Water Service : $10.00 base fee + $0.065 cents per cubic foot
– Garden Water Service (if metered separately): $0.065 cents per cubic foot
– Sanitary Sewer Service: $9.00 base fee + $0.08 cents per cubic foot (after 2000 cubic feet, $0.05 cents per cubic foot)
– Garbage Removal Service: 35 Gal. Can- $17.00, 65 Gal. Can- $20.00, 2/65 Gal. Cans- $26.00, 95 Gal. Can- $23.00.
– Stormwater Service: No Charge
– Minnesota State Water Testing Fee: $9.72 per year (billed in July)
Due to recent sewer improvement projects, all properties will be charged the $9.00 sewer base fee per month, whether utility service is turned-on/active or turned-off/inactive. Contact City Hall if the property’s sewer service line is capped or removed – if the Public Works Department can verify that no buildings are attached to the sanitary sewer system, the sewer base fee will no longer be charged for the parcel.
Other Charges
– Turn-Off Water: Monday – Friday,8 am – 3 pm; No Charge
– Turn-Off Outside Regular Hours: $50.00
– Turn-On Water*: $50.00 (Unless Turn-On/Turn-Off required for repair work, then no charge)
– Hydrants: $10.00 in the Spring & $10.00 in the Fall (to verify meter was installed and uninstalled)
– Utility Deposit $100.00; Interest rate set by the Minnesota Department of Commerce
Maintenance of Service, Equipment & Infrastructure
General Information
The City will maintain all residential water meters and outside readers after original installation, unless the equipment is tampered with, damaged by the property owner, or damaged due to owner negligence (in these three cases, the owner will be responsible for all repair or replacement costs).
– If a meter cannot be repaired or maintained, the City will furnish a replacement meter and/or reader.
– If a meter or reader is tampered with, damaged, or removed, the City may estimate water loss and bill the owner based on past meter history.
– Owner must provide access to the meter and reader for maintenance and/or replacement.
Water Leaks
The City of Wheaton encourages all residents to address water leaks as soon as possible. Excess water can cause a great amount of damage and cost. Repairs may be necessary on the mainline, the water service line (that runs under the street/alley to the building), within the building before the meter, and within the building after the meter. Residents are encouraged to call City Hall at 320/563-4110 if an out-of-place, growing puddle of water is spotted – especially during winter or dry months.
Repairs to the water system must be made immediately, and Public Works staff may help in determining the leak’s location. Repairs to the mainline are the financial responsibility of the City. Leaks to water service lines and building plumbing are the responsibility of the property owner.
Why is a property owner responsible for a leak in the street on the water service line? Per City Ordinance 405.10, the water service line from the mainline to the house is owned by the property owner. This is considered to be a private line from the city’s water mainline to the house. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain the water line and keep it in good repair.
The homeowner is also responsible for the curb stop. The curb stop must be maintained and kept in good condition, and be accessible for operation by the Public Works Department. The Public Works Department may install new covers and replace broken bolts when the work does not require the excavation of cement or blacktop. The charge for this service is for the cost of materials-only and will be billed to the property owner. If more extensive repair is needed, the property owner will be notified and billed.
Turning-On Water Service
The Public Works Department requests that an appointment be made to have water service turned-on. A property owner, tenant, or authorized representative must be present in order for the water to be turned-on, in case leaks are detected and a meter read will be taken. Please call 320/563-4110 to scheduled an appointment. The City of Wheaton requires that the property owner (or a representative) be present when turning-on the water.
Turning-Off Water Service
Property owners request for water service to be shut-off for a variety of reasons – if a building will be vacant for an extended period of time, or vacant during the winter months without heat, the City recommends that water be turned off to prevent freezing or potential flooding. Each building should have two shut-off’s:
– Interior Shut-Off’s – Inside each building, there should be a water shut-off valve that turns-off the water to the whole house. This valve is located on the water pipe that comes up from the floor or through the wall in the front part of the basement (closest to the street).
– Exterior Shut-Off’s/Curb Stop – Outside of each building, on or near the boulevard, close to the ground, there should be a water “curb-stop.” Curb stops are important, as they are a back-up for the interior water shut-off and allow the Public Works Department to turn-off water service without entering the property (which could be very important if a leak is found and the property owner can’t be reached). Per City Ordinance 405.03, curb stops must be in good repair.
The Public Works Department requests at least 48 hours notice for a water shut-off, though every effort will be made to accommodate customer needs and emergency needs. Please call 320/563-4110 to schedule an appointment. The City of Wheaton requires that the property owner (or a representative) be present when turning-off the water. An interior water meter read will be taken and used for final billing purposes.
General Information
The City of Wheaton operates and maintains a water filtration plant, a water tower, water hydrants, and a distribution system.
1. Private wells are prohibited within Wheaton City limits.
2. All water is metered; customers are charged a base fee for the access to water service and a rate (per cubic foot) for usage – see “Rate” section for further information.
3. The inside meter is the only device that measures water flow and usage, and therefore, your actual consumption will be billed from the reading on the inside meter, should there be any discrepancies.
4. Bulk water is available for purchase. Please contact City Hall at 320/563-4110 for more information.
5. The City of Wheaton encourages water conservation. A water leak may be obvious (water has filled your basement, or you can hear the sound of water flowing through your plumbing), or the leak may be silent. Depending on the nature of the leak, significant water may pass through your water meter if the leak is not repaired. Unintended water usage (such as a hose that is left on overnight, an unrepaired leaky toilet, or a recharging softener) will be billed to the customer.
Outdoor Water Service & Metering Policy
Owners of single-family, residential properties may apply for water service for irrigation and other outdoor uses at a reduced rate, receiving a waiver for standard sanitary sewer charges. The water may only be used for lawncare and gardening purposes, and must be metered separately. The property owner is responsible for all water meter, external meter reader, and installation costs; the meter equipment must be ordered through City Hall, 320/563-4110.
See Also Outdoor Water Service & Metering Policy for Privately Owned Hydrants
See Also Ordinance #405, “Water Service” & Ordinance #406, “Water Meters”
General Information
The City of Wheaton operates and maintains several lift stations, sanitary sewer collection system, and three sanitary sewer ponds. Charges for Sewer Service are dependent upon a property’s water metering device.
1. Private septic systems are prohibited within Wheaton City limits, unless specifically approved by the City Council.
2. Sewer fees are based on metered water usage; customers are charged a base fee for the access to sewer service and a rate (per cubic foot) for usage – see “Rate” section for further information.
3. The inside meter is the only device that measures water usage, and therefore, your actual consumption will be billed from the reading on the inside meter, should there be any discrepancies.
4. Users who use water exclusively for lawn and gardening purposes may receive a waiver of a portion of their sewer charges if such water is metered separately (base fees will not be waived). Customers must request, purchase, and install a separate water meter in order to receive the waiver.
See Also Ordinance #409, “Sewer Service” and Ordinance #410, “Sewer Use”